Being an independent Heating in addition to A/C girl

I enjoy being an independent heating in addition to a/c specialist, but i set out to become an independent heating in addition to a/c specialist from the start of my career in the heating in addition to cooling industry, and as soon as I got out of heating in addition to a/c university that is what I wanted to be in addition to what I wanted to do, then however realistically it was not something I could jump right into. I had to learn more of the tricks of the trade with on the task experience in addition to then get my contractor license, so for the first year I worked for one of the local heating in addition to a/c companies as one of their certified heat in addition to a/c specialists. It gave me the experience I really needed in addition to then I was able to begin the early stages of getting my legitimately own independent heating in addition to a/c contractor going. It took about a year in addition to a half to get it set up. And then it took roughly another year to have steady contractor coming in. All in all it worked out in the end in addition to I enjoy being an independent heating in addition to a/c specialist. I have the freedom to set my own prices in addition to set my own hours. And I never have to answer to anyone for anything. If I am not feeling well I can take the day off separate from having to worry about getting reemed by some boss. It is really a attractive thing. I guess all future heating in addition to a/c workers should look into becoming an independent heating in addition to a/c specialist.



home comfort business