Being Broke is Okay As Long as I Have HVAC that Works

My Methodism says I should be doing “good works” that might include providing care to the troubled workings of the unit that has faithfully served us

Different Christian churches have argued for centuries since the nights of Martin Luther plus John Wesley, Luther was the reason for the Protestant Reformation against the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century while Wesley created the Methodist Church in the late 18th century with his cousin Charles. Lutheran services resemble the Catholic Church in numerous ways while the Methodists are the ones who supposedly brought the word of God to the masses. One area where they are pretty diverse is in their views on predetermination, but John Calvin, another early religious guy championed the concept of “double predetermination”. To me, that predetermination stance seemed like a “Get out of Jail Free” card for the damned to avoid burning in a fiery pit. Lutherans lean toward predetermination while Methodists lean toward the concept of “free will” which means you have control and are asked to accept God’s grace but you don’t have to. I’m torn between the several plus it all began when my Heating as well as A/C proposal began to wear out last year. If it is predetermined that it will fail at a particular time, then why should I waste time and money trying to keep it running? It has no “free will” of its own, so I must be the one who decides its fate. My Lutheran wifey keeps telling myself and others to just understand its demise plus make plans to replace the Heating as well as A/C with a current energy-efficient system. My Methodism says I should be doing “good works” that might include providing care to the troubled workings of the unit that has faithfully served us. Regardless of who is closer to being right, I will need to use the services of a qualified Heating as well as A/C company to install a newer and better HVAC system properly or to fix the Heating as well as A/C system. I guess it is predetermined that I will go to heaven without a cent to my name, but I’ll pray that I can be comfortable until then.
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