I found the love of my life on an internet ad

Last week, the two of us were searching the internet to look for an air conditioner supplier.

The two of us knew that our air conditioner was running out and we wanted to find someone that could help us with the supply name.

The two of us went to a university with one kid that was the same name as the heating + air conditioning supplier. It seemed that this person was the same owner as his dad when each of us were in school. Every one of us don’t really remember how we lost touch, but I was certainly curious to find out about this guy many years later. I followed the internet advertisement which led me to a website for air conditioning supplies. I called the supplier immediately, almost hoping this boy would answer the phone. I made an appointment to get the furnace as well as cooling machine genuinely it looked at. I could not believe that I found this person through the advertisement online. The two of us waited patiently to see who would come fix our air conditioner. The two of us were stoked as well as quite surprised to actually see our old friends show up to make the repair. I found the person through an advertisement on Google and he just explained that he only had advertisements up for a few days. It was strange that the two of us found each other again after all of these years. The two of us became fast friends again as well as well have a funny story on our reconnection. The internet has a funny way of bringing people together.



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