I had a team of workers clean the HVAC duct

My father was telling me how mom was constantly calling the Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation to have the HVAC duct cleaned.

  • This got me thinking about how long it had been since we had our Heating plus Air Conditioning HVAC duct cleaned.

I had been noticing a lot of dust lately plus the worst of it was the smell that was coming from the air vents. I hated to even have corporation come to our cabin because it always aromaed like something dead in the house. My husband plus I thought we had a dead mouse somewhere, but after cleaning plus moving every piece of furniture we couldn’t find it. That’s when we talked about it being in the walls. Unfortunately, the smell lasted long after the aroma of the dead mouse. I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation plus I told him what I needed done. He asked me if I had talked to an exterminator. He said that it sounded like we may have more than mice. From the smell I described, he thought it could be stink bugs in the HVAC duct. The next day, the Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation sent over a team of professional HVAC duct cleaners. They cleaned plus sanitized the entire HVAC duct system. He said that when they had vacuumed all of the dirt out, they had quite a few stink bugs come out of the HVAC duct. They were able to repair all of the cracks plus holes in the HVAC duct, although he still recommended we have the cabin sprayed in case there were more bugs in the house. I couldn’t think how fresh our cabin aromaed once the HVAC duct was cleaned.

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