I slid into my next client.

Last winter was a very cold one.

I remember it distinctly, because I was driving over to a client’s house to fix their furnace. I started sliding on an untreated, icy road, and I ended up sliding right into another vehicle. The woman I hit took it very well, but I’m sure it’s only because she knew how awful the roads were. It was somewhat funny when I realized what happened. She slid into my lane at the very same time that I slid into hers, and we sideswiped each other. We cordially took each other’s insurance information down, and I continued on my way to the furnace repair. I drove my banged-up HVAC van to the address, and then noticed the same car I had gotten into a wreck with just a moment before. I groaned as I realized that this was going to be a little awkward. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. When the woman I just hit answered the door, she chuckled and said that if she knew I was headed her way, she would have let me follow her. She showed me what was going on with the furnace, and I got to work as she left to go to a different room. When I finished repairing her furnace, I stepped into her kitchen and saw she had a cup of coffee waiting for me. We struck up a nice conversation. It’s funny how you’ll never know whether or not certain people you meet will end up becoming one of your best friends, but that’s what happened. .She told me she had never encountered an HVAC technician who was a female before, and I told her I had never got into a car wreck with a client. We laughed for a while and continued our conversation.



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