It was all in the HVAC system

My home has had the worst air quality as of late. After doing much research into and troubleshooting things around the house it was found that the root of the problem was my central heating and air conditioning system. I was using the worst kind of cheap air filters that were not doing a very good job. This was causing the central heating and air conditioning system to blow out super bad air quality making my home not very good. The heating and air conditioning specialist who figured all of this out went on to tell me that I should be buying HEPA brand air filters for my central heating and cooling unit. HEPA brand air filters were the absolute best and also acted as an indoor air cleaner in many ways. It was nothing like having a whole home air purification system, but it was a close runner up. So I began buying the more expensive HEPA air filters to go into my central heating and air conditioning system. Ever since I have been doing this it was a huge change in the air quality within my home. It was like night and day compared to what I have been dealing with. I felt a lot better in terms of breathing. Also I stopped having sneezing and cough attacks while trying to sleep! The central heating and air conditioning system with the HEPA brand air filters were actually pumping good air quality into my home now. I was so glad I was shown the way to fix all this from my local heating and air conditioning specialist.
Heating and cooling service