Managing my aunts websites

People don’t want to hear this, but the best form of cybersecurity is anonymity.

My Aunt Mazie is a pretty cool old lady, she writes mysteries and romance novels under a couple of different pen names! I have sworn not to reveal her pseudonyms, but trust me you have definitely heard of both of her alter egos before, and anyway, she has certainly few people she trusts with her secret — heck, her own family doesn’t even realize she is rich and famous – so she entrusted me to run her websites for her. She has two different domains, one for the romance author and one for the mystery writer. She has no plan how cybersecurity works, although she understands all too well how important it is, not just for identity but her money, too! A lot of people think that this sort of thing begins and ends with firewall protection, or maybe a VPN repair to keep a low profile, however the truth is that if a hacker specifically targets you, then you will need high quality tech, encryption key management, operating plan security, and more to keep yourself safe. People don’t want to hear this, but the best form of cybersecurity is anonymity. If you live in a nice neighborhood and drive a junky car, you don’t need the high quality security plan for it, because it won’t be targeted. But having a nice car draws thieves, and having a popular, lucrative website will require threat detection as well as strong cybersecurity. I am not strong enough of a coder to handle it all, so I work for my Aunt Mazie and a cybersecurity solutions business to manage her sites.

Forensics server