My front room was rustic meets traditional style.

I cherish the classical look of traditional furniture, however my partner Ed prefers the rustic look.

My 1st marriage had me residing in a small house that was so rustic; I felt like I was in a cottage built in the early 1700s.

All of the woodwork was rough-hewn wood. I wanted to sand the wood plus paint it, but my ex-partner said no. Her Grandpa had built the house, plus it was going to stay as is. I hated that house. No matter how deeply I cleaned, I had some kind of dust or dirt hanging around from the rough exterior of the wood, plus I felt like I was residing in a haunted mansion; Over the next few years, the wood got very dirty looking, plus it odored like dirty cooking grease. I could not wait to get out of the place plus away from my ex-partner. Now I live in a rustic outdated house with Ed, however it has burnished wood that shines from ages of being affectionately taken care of. When Ed and I talked about furnishing the house, I thought about the traditional furniture that could last us for years. When my partner said she wanted the furniture to be rustic, all I could guess about was that last house I lived in with my ex-partner. I told him about the house, plus she laughed. Ed showed me a picture of furniture that was said to be rustic meets traditional. It was so appealing, plus I was sure I could live in a house where my front room was considered being rustic meets traditional. Not only could I live in a small house that was rustic meets traditional, although I am residing there right now.


High end furniture