My mother would kill myself and others if she knew where I was now working today.

I was amazed at how many rooms there were and how small they were

When me and my siblings were growing up, whenever mom would drive us through certain parts of town, she would warn us about going to certain places. One place in particular she pointed out one day, was a brothel that we were never allowed to go anywhere near. She warned that good little girls never go anywhere near brothels, and that included this place. Back then, I had no idea what a brothel was, so I simply shook my head in agreement. When I got older and graduated high school, I decided to go into the HVAC business. My mother told me she wanted me to do something extraordinary with my life, so I chose to be an HVAC technician. Perhaps that wasn’t the kind of extraordinary she was talking about, but nevertheless, that’s what I am. Last week, I was given a work order that had the address of the old brothel my mother had warned me about. I had to chuckle as I thought to myself what Mom would be thinking about this now. Mom wasn’t with us anymore. The whole time I was setting up the new heating and air conditioning unit I was thinking of how scandalized my mother would be if she knew that I was inside this brothel, much less anywhere near it. Mom was pretty strict, so I don’t think that she would have cared that this old brothel had become a potential home for a couple, and that’s why I was installing the new HVAC system. I was amazed at how many rooms there were and how small they were. Of course, the couple intended to knock down many walls, so that they could have fewer rooms that were much larger. They wanted the HVAC unit installed before many of the other renovations.

home services