My wife plus I prefer odd temperatures

I love our wife to death but all of us don’t constantly get along.

Even though we’re both omnivores, all of us don’t constantly prefer the same food either. She absolutely enjoys chicken, while I am a much greater fan of pork plus beef. However, I try to accommodate her as much as possible when I am doing the cooking myself, when all of us had cooking dates together I often prioritize her preferences for food. And honestly, it’s good to get exposed to things that you don’t necessarily like to begin with. Sometimes you will find that you like a new food that you thought you would have hated. And then after that it becomes a regular section of your ongoing diet. However, there is 1 area where all of us continue to keep hitting roblox. That has to be the preferences for temperatures in the condo regarding the heating plus cooling system. While I prefer the condo to be much colder, our wife prefers it to be much warmer. So unfortunately all of us go back plus forth on what all of us want to set the thermostat to throughout the afternoon in the evening hours. The people I was with and I had to come to an agreement to find some kind of compromise for me halfway. Each of us has their own preferred temperature plus after that I try to go halfway in between the several. It’s not the perfect solution, that it works for us. And now that all of us are arguing about the A/C settings, we’re a lot happier. And whenever all of us go on trips plus stay in hotels, all of us do the same thing with the temperature settings there. I know all of us would both be ecstatic if all of us had our ideal temperatures all the time, or our happiness together when all of us figure out a solution plus a way to meet halfway.


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