Someone delivered a modern oil furnace to the wrong house

I contacted the supplier that sent the items

When I came home from labor on Monday, there was a actually immense cardboard box resting on the doorstep. I didn’t order anything online, so I actually didn’t assume what could be in the box. It was harshly heavy plus I was unable to lift the box on my own. I waited until my hubby came home plus the two of us dragged the box into the apartment so we could open it up. The box came from a manufacturing supplier that sells Heating plus Cooling supplies. I asked my hubby if he ordered something, although he did not. There was an invoice inside of the box. The address on the invoice was our address, however the name on the bill was someone else. I did not think the name on the bill as a guy from our town. I looked up the name of the guy online plus I found out that there was a guy with the same name living in the same city. I had to assume that the pleaseds of the box should have been delivered to that man. Inside of the box was a brand modern oil furnace. The price on the invoice for the oil furnace was harshly high. Someone would have been actually upset if they did not get the items that they ordered. I contacted the supplier that sent the items. They would not give me any information for the guy that obtained the item. Even when I told the guy on the phone that I was trying to track down the actual owner of the oil furnace, he still refused to give me any additional information because my name was not on the account.

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