The root of our problem was our AC unit

Our beach house has had the worst air quality for quite some time.

This forced us to do some research and investigation around the beach house.

We found that the main issue was our central AC. We had awful and cheap air filters that weren’t reliable at all. This was causing the central AC to blow out super poor air quality making our beach house so uncomfortable. The AC expert who figured all of this informed us that we should be buying HEPA brand air filters for our central AC. The HEPA brand air filters were the absolute best and would work as indoor air cleaners in several ways. These air filters aren’t the same as a whole beach house air cleaner, but they do a good job. So, we began buying the more overpriced HEPA air filters to go into our central AC, and ever since we have been doing this it was a huge change in the air quality within our beach home. We can’t even believe how much the air quality has improved. We’ve even been breathing better. Also we stopped having sneezes and cough attacks at night. The central AC with the HEPA brand air filters were pumping good air quality into our beach house now. We were so blissful having learnt about the best air filters for our central AC.

ductless heat pump