The supervisor at the Heating plus Air Conditioning company doesn’t seem to love me

I am an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist in a truly immense Heating plus Air Conditioning dealer, even though I am absolutely the youngest Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist in the Heating plus Air Conditioning dealer. I have only been a certified Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist for a few weeks, plus I was so ecstatic that I was able to find a position in the largest Heating plus Air Conditioning company in our area. Well, it was straight-forward to get the task as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist, since the owner of the Heating plus Air Conditioning company is also our Grandfather, then still, I am working difficult as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist because I don’t want to be the guy who relies so heavily on his relation to the boss that he slacks off on work. I have strived to be the best Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist that I can. However, I noticed that one of the supervisors of the Heating plus Air Conditioning company doesn’t seem to love me. It doesn’t help that the supervisor of the Heating plus Air Conditioning company is also the Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist that I literally spend every day working with, however my Grandfather wanted to make sure that I was constantly trained as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist, so he is making me partner with another veteran Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist while I work. I try our hardest as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist, however nothing ever seems to make this guy ecstatic. I could have the greatest day ever plus mess up one small thing, plus the Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist gets mad at me, but nothing is ever wonderful enough for this guy, plus it makes our task as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist seem lousy. I wish that I could labor with someone else, however our Grandfather insisted that I labor with this Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist.



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