We involve our customers with their votes

I have been in the vape shop dealer for multiple years now in this town.

One thing I have found out in that time in this business is that if you want to keep buyers you have to keep the air buzzing with modern things.

At first, just having a new vape shop in this area was novel, but that didn’t last long. Then, the next craze was having a fast E-juice bottle filling machine with the automatic label maker which meant that modern flavors of E-juice filling kept buyers excited, but once again that craze was fleeting. In order to mix things up- no pun intended- I’ve recently decided that I’m going to include buyers in the vaping industry itself. I don’t want to just keep throwing exciting things at our buyers, I want them to recognize like they’re instrumental to the process. In order to do that, I had to make a few updates to my business. In addition to the modern paint task, I bought a modern E-juice bottle filling machine for the shop (again) plus implemented a voting system. Every month, I do my best and use our modern vape cartridge filling machine to make multiple modern E-juice fillings with weird flavors. They have the entire month to purchase each of the E-juice filling flavors- at a slightly discounted price- plus then vote for their number one modern flavor; this may be the flavor of the month. Once the E-juice filling flavor has been chosen, from that day on it becomes a permanent option for the buyers. I also have a suggestion box, so therefore, if someone has an E-juice filling flavor in mind, they can come in and write it in. Maybe they’ll even get the E-juice filling flavor of the month named after them!


Vape Cartridge Filling Machine