When my wife got pregnant, I invested in a ductless mini split for our comfort

I was very concerned when my wife was pregnant.

This was our first child we were having, and I wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible.

This is why I decided to have a ductless mini split installed in our home. The reason why I went for the ductless mini split mainly is because it allowed for HVAC zone control. While she was relaxing in the bedroom, she could have the A/C cranked up if she wanted, and I could enjoy different temperature control settings while hanging out in the living room. I also was able to get a smart thermostat for this ductless HVAC system, so it was easy to adjust the temperature control settings for each unit remotely. The other thing I appreciate about the ductless mini split is the fact that it includes air purification. I knew this would be extremely important for my wife to be as healthy as possible while nurturing the baby. Of course, I was also thinking about when our baby was born and we would need for our baby to be healthy in our home. The air quality improved a great deal and my wife was glad that I invested in such a nice HVAC system. She was actually adjusting the temperature control settings like crazy because she would experience hot flashes and it seemed like her internal temperature control was entirely out of whack while she was pregnant. I think I would have gone mad if I had to deal with those temperature control changes for the whole house, but she was able to keep it to whatever room she was hanging out in like the bedroom or kitchen area.

Heat pump