You’ll know the second you meet my mother what her obsession is all about

If you ever meet our mom, then you are genuinely going to hear about her dogs—it seems like her little furry babies are all that she ever talks about these days and afternoons.

She drives myself and others a little bit crazy with all of her incessant talking about these dogs, but it’s gotten even worse lately.

Because lately, she has gotten it into her head that she is going to need to put a heating and cooling method in her dogs’ kennel in her backyard. Last year, she had this giant dog apartment built in her backyard for the dogs. It’s way larger than they undoubtedly need, even though she said that she wanted them to have all the space they wanted to run around and also relax… Then when the weather started heating up this year, she realized that she wanted to put an a/c method in for the dogs too. She said that she couldn’t stand the thoughts of her scarce pups being out in the yard in the summertime temperatures without having a/c to cool them off. I suppose that sounds ridiculous, especially considering the fact that she hardly ever lets the poor critters out of her sight, much less out of her house. It’s definitely going to cost her a whole lot of money to install a heating and cooling method in the giant doghouse, but our mom says that it’s worth it to believe that her dogs are nice and cool with their absolutely own a/c method outside. I am all for taking care of your pets, however I suppose that our mom tends to go overboard when it comes to her particular critters.

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