A brand new HVAC system for summer

The summer hasn’t even arrived yet, and it’s already as hot as death out there.

  • I am not a wimp when it comes to heat and humidity, but even I have my limits! Lately I have not been taking my long afternoon walks, nor have I been working in the garden.

I know my body, I know my health, and I know that exerting myself in this kind of heat will only sap my energy and leave me weak. The worst part about this is how the heat doesn’t usually get this bad for another month or so, which means it will get worse. This year I have an updated HVAC system installed, so I am eager to see how it performs. Last year I noticed the system was working a lot harder to generate the same amount of cooling for the house. I had it inspected by an HVAC tech and he said the system was over 12 year old and wouldn’t live for too much longer. I pulled the trigger and had a new central HVAC system installed, and although it cost a pretty penny, now we will find out if it was worth it. I am not only expecting superior performance and top of the line cooling, but also a low utility bill for the month. I went for the more expensive and more energy efficient HVAC system, specifically so I could recoup my investment and save money long term on my energy bills. In another three weeks I will let you know what my utility bill is.

Cooling and heating business