Black Friday shopping isn't as much fun without my sister

My sister and I used to go Black Friday shopping every year together.

Sometimes we took friends, but we never missed spending the event together.

I was really hurt and upset when my sister called to cancel our Black Friday shopping event this year. She had to cancel our Thanksgiving plans as well. My sister was forced to stay home due to an illness. Black Friday shopping wasn’t as much fun without my sister. I took my friend Matt with me for moral support. Matt and I went to the hardware store first. They were having a sale on air purifiers, air filtration products, and smart thermostats. We stood in line outside of the hardware store for nearly an hour, before the doors opened up at 5 am. It was extremely cold outside, but we had a cup of hot coffee. Once we were inside of the building, it wasn’t much warmer there either. They clearly didn’t have the furnace running that morning. Matt and I walked around the store for a few minutes. We found the sale on air purifiers. I chose one for my house. The air purifier was on sale and I received a $25 mail-in rebate as well. After we purchased the air purifier, we headed over to the mall where they were having a free giveaway at the department store. Matt and I hit all of the places that my sister and I would normally visit. It was a lot of fun, but it would have been a lot more fun with my sister too.


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