I couldn’t make any more excuses

Grandfather was not listening to any of my excuses when I told him I couldn’t go to visit.

He wanted us to catch up, and show me some of the new calves born into his herd! I’d made the mistake of telling him I was working from home.

So, he went ahead and got wireless for her house, but that’s when all our excuses ran out, and I drove to the farm to see him. The drive lasted multiple hours, and each hour he’d call to ask how far away I was. After high school, I’d moved away to pursue my business, and I knew it broke his heart a little. Grandma and grandfather were waiting for me when I arrived with the greatest smiles ever. grandfather took my tote and led me into the arena where a feast was waiting for me. All the way, they kept admonishing me for taking too long to come and visit them. As we were eating, I heard the A/C system in their home making a funny noise. I asked grandfather how long the A/C had been making that noise. He told me it was about more than one week, now it was my turn to admonish them for taking too long to get the A/C unit diagnosed out. I informed them such sounds meant something was wrong with the cooling system. Grandfather offered me contacts to their A/C maintenance person, and I called him. He said he’d come to the farm the following day to inspect the system. After the inspection, the A/C mechanic said the issue was a filthy air filter.

Dial thermostat