I obtained a new air conditioning unit, and it doesn’t work

I obtained a new air conditioning unit, and it doesn’t work.

  • I am actually aggravated that my new air conditioning machine doesn’t work.

Of course, it should work, however the worst part about it is that I had to wait over a month for the air conditioning machine to ship to my house because of all of the virus stuff that is going on. It felt like the longest wait ever. I need an air conditioning machine for my apartment. It is over ninety degrees outside, and I am sick of it being almost as sizzling in my house. It was literally over eight-five degrees in my house last night. I thought I was going to die of a heat stroke. I have asked a few friends if they have any excited air conditioning units, however they all said that they only had the ones that they were currently using. It is so hard for me to get my work done in such a sizzling apartment. I work from loft three afternoons a week, and it is nice most of the time, however since I don’t have air conditioning right now, I actually prefer to work in the office rather than at home. I never thought that I would rather go into work than stay home, however if you don’t have air conditioning, toiling from loft is not honestly fun. I have to send the air conditioning machine that I obtained back, and wait for them to send me another one. That means I will be without an air conditioning machine for at least another month. I am thinking about just trying to find one in a store close to me so that I can drive and option it up rather than ordering it online. I actually want air conditioning as soon as possible.

cooling technology