I was looking for a really nice little portable air conditioner appliance

When I first went to university, I resided in this tiny little apartment.

The owner of the dwelling didn’t supply any A/C appliance.

He didn’t suppose that A/C was needed. He also told me I didn’t pay enough rent for him to supply me with A/C. I didn’t actually plan on being there undoubtedly long. Because of circumstances I was not able to control, I lived there for almost the entire time I was in university. My father bought me a portable A/C appliance for the dwelling when he came to visit me while I was in my first Spring semester break. He told me it wasn’t a fancy A/C unit, but if it got me through until Christmas. He told me he would get me a much better one later. I didn’t have a window that was sizable enough for a traditional A/C unit. I also had to be extremely careful with how much energy I was using. My landlord would charge me if my bill went over $100 a week. He was perfectly fine if I used a fan, but it had to be a really small fan that would not use a good amount of electricity. By the time the warm season ended, I couldn’t actually think of anything better than having a nice portable air conditioner appliance. If the cheaper A/C unit could keep me comfortable while in the hot Summer days in the South, a nice portable air conditioner appliance would keep me even more comfortable. When I told my father how well the cheap portable A/C appliance worked, he was content, plus promised me an even better one later for Christmas. The current A/C appliance kept me cool for the rest of my university years.

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