The Heating & Air Conditioning plan at church broke down

The Heating & Air Conditioning plan at church broke down last weekend. It was an unfortunate problem for us because we had to cancel a whole bunch of services because there was no heating in the building! The two of us were thinking about going ahead & having services anyway however the temperatures outside were just too chilly to deal with. The two of us needed to have the oil furnace up & running so that we could have our services for the upcoming holidays. The two of us constantly do a really large event on Valentine’s Day, however if we can’t get the heating plan fixed then we are going to have to cancel the whole thing. I hope that doesn’t happen because we have already put a whole lot of currency into the event already. I guess that we are all going to be really uneasy if that happens, however hopefully it won’t. The two of us have a really nice commercial Heating & Air Conditioning business that we use for all of the heating & cooling needs in the church & usually they do a really superb task for us. I have no doubt that they would be able to service the problem that we are having in the main building with the heating plan this time too, however the problem is a whole other issue. The problem is that the commercial Heating & Air Conditioning business is just too busy to come & help us for a while. It’s going to be numerous mornings before they are going to be able to come & figure out what the problem is here with our heating system. I hope they get it fixed soon.


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