The loss of my fitness class is the worst

I am a creature of habit who loves routines. I used to have a very solid routine. I got up at the same time, reported to work, did my fitness class afterwards, went home for dinner and watched a TV episode before bed. I didn’t change anything in my routine because I loved it. The coronavirus has really thrown my routine for a loop. I am now working online instead of reporting to the office. My body and wellness center is not only located near my office, but it is also closed because of social distancing. I am really irritated that I can’t work in my normal location or work out. The fitness class is the biggest loss in my routine though. I can basically do the same work I always do, I save time on not driving anyway. When it comes to working out, I am totally clueless. I am used to a personal trainer directing an hour fitness class five days a week. He rotatoes between cardio and weightlifting. We target different muscles in the body and get a good stretch in. Not only do I not have the fitness equipment that my gym has, but I don’t know what to do. I have tried to do the exercises I have learned on my own. Self-motivating is horrible though. I also am quick to give up and I think I am doing some of my stretches wrong. I am just imaging the pounds I am going to pack on if this keeps going on. I need to get back on schedule.
Heath and Fitness Center