We work on heating and air conditioning systems together

We will miss her so much but having a child is a huge step and many things are going to change in her life

Today is Sunday and we are supposed to play ball later, but with the cloudy weather we are not sure that is possible. We have a going away gathering for an acquaintance later, who is going to be moving back east to have her child, so tonight is going to be somewhat sad. She will be leaving for five months and then is supposed to be returning here after she has her kid. We are hoping that she will come back because she is a good acquaintance of ours. We are all heating professionals and met several years ago at the local corporation where we work on Heating & Air Conditioning systems together. Both of us feel she will come back but we are not sure if she will be with the father of the child because he is staying here and they seem to be having issues. It is a big change for her and her heating and cooling work is going to be done for a while it looks like. We are certain she will come back to the HVAC corporation one afternoon but it could be years down the road till we see her walk through the doors of the Heating & Air Conditioning business where she worked. We will miss her so much but having a child is a huge step and many things are going to change in her life. She normally lives in an air conditioned RV, but is going to deliver that up to live with her folks while she has the baby.

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