What is the difference between an HVAC filter and HEPA air filter?

There are air filters that are marketed as ‘HEPA-like’ or ‘high-efficiency’ because they have a higher efficiency of handling smaller particles than an moderate air filter.

These air filters are expensive and shouldn’t be mistaken for true HEPA filters.

Before you have an HEPA air filter installed in most Heating & A/C systems, the system would need to be replaced. The HEPA air filter causes the air to flow differently than the moderate air filter. An HEPA-like filter is pleated just enjoy a true HEPA filter so that it increases the surface area. This will reduce air resistance and makes it possible for the higher-efficiency air filter to be used with the Heating & A/C replace. Although they work better than moderate panel air filters, they do not work and the true HEPA air filter. The efficiency and effectiveness of air filters in an air purification system measure unusual things. Efficiency is the percentage of particles a component detachs from the air as the air passes through the air filter. A true HEPA air filter is tested for efficiency by being fed 0.3 micron particles. These particles are measured before and after going through the air filter. The efficiency is calculated from these values. When talking about effectiveness, the difference is how well the air filter cleans the air in a room? If the air filter is too small or unsufficient, it may be ineffective. Whether it is a true HEPA air filter or an HEPA-like air filter, the size and adequacy of the air filter still holds true. Only a true HEPA air filter will be both effective and efficient. An HEPA-like air filter is just a folded, moderate air filter.

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