Brenda honestly thought she was going to work out

Brenda employed a new expert and she’s already heard many issues about her.

Truthfully, Brenda thought she was going to be awesome.

She had high hopes for the experienced Heating & A/C maintenance worker who’s worked on commercial and residential repairs. She came with great letters of recommendation, and Brenda was impressed with her job history. The expert has 6 years of experience working on heating and A/C related repairs. However, she is not friendly. Brenda had numerous complaints this month from customers, and each one of the complaints were relatively the same. They talked about the expert’s attitude. This is a big deal in this industry due to the fact that they have to interact with their customers. If they don’t call back, Brenda doesn’t get repeat maintenance and that means that her sales will take a hit. There are many heating, ventilation, & A/C maintenance services and Brenda wants customers to contact her first. After she got the first complaint about the lady’s attitude, she called her into the office and had a chat about being friendly. The expert seemed to understand what Brenda was saying, but soon after, she got several complaints from additional customers. Brenda had to apologize to her customers, so that was the last time that she sent the expert out for any work. She has a small enterprise, and it is pressing that her employees are professional and nice to the customers. Brenda has no room on her staff for an expert that can’t be friendly.


central heating