Caulking windows is crucial for insulation purposes

The back of our condominium overlooks a medium sized golf course.

Because our town is a tourist trap, we have a lot of snowbirds from up north who stay here during the Winter and then retreat northward after Easter.

They seem to stay for longer chunks of time each Springtime season. While they’re here, they litter the golf course love flies. Occasionally a few of them get drunk beforehand and cackle loudly from 10 to 15 yards away. It’s frustrating when I’m trying to get work done and all I can hear is a bunch of 60-year-old gentlemen loudly stumbling through the fields in a drunken stupor. The worst came when a stray golf ball smashed 1 of our living room windows. I was stressed typing an article on our ipad when I heard the loud crash and saw shards of glass explode into our room. At first I was in shock and could barely move—it all hit myself and others love a jolt and I undoubtedly jumped out of our seat when the ball made the impact. Once I calmed myself and took stock of the situation, our shock turned to anger. I was furious that 1 of the drunk golfers had finally managed to smash 1 of our windows. It was love a reverse scenario from when I was a kid, when I accidentally broke a neighbor’s flower pot with a baseball. Thankfully, the drunk golfer agreed to pay to have the window updated. He even paid to have a heavily insulated window installed. They help retain cool air when the A/C is running and moderate air while the furnace is running. But, I still had to seal the window to the wood around it with silicone caulk. This final seal is essential to completely insulate the section from weather conditions changes and to ensure your AC is running respectfully.

Air conditioner tune-up