Ductwork and the circle of life

So what happens when my pal and I die? Is that the end and nothing at all or does our spirit get moveed to something else and start the life cycle over again? This absolutely perplexes me as I can’t comprehend nothing happening at all when this life stops.

Does this blow your mind too or do you just not feel about it? Do my pal and I get judged by a supreme being when there is no “us” left after my pal and I die? Life is a undoubtedly interesting one I must say, however death is even more interesting because of the mystery it is shrouded in.

Air conditioning and heating seem quite bland when you feel about the bigger questions in life, however I feel my pal and I all need some climate control while my pal and I are on this short ride of life! I should have been a philosopher however there is no money in that as my pal and I all know, “Honey I’m off to toil for the immense philosophy corporation, see you tonight!” Working for the local corporation each morning doing ductwork cleaning gives me a lot of time to feel about life and death I guess. Maybe it is in my blood, as my dad was a writer and one of his books is called Words From a Graveyard, a undoubtedly fitting title now that he is dead himself. Dad worked as an Heating, Ventilation and A/C rep after he quit his writing job, however I wish he kept writing on the side because his poetry was pretty darn good. He had a lot of depth for a 26 year seasoned back then when he wrote the books in 1982.

Air quality systems