Got tired of being the bad cop so let the smart thermostat take over

It got to be a near constant refrain with my family when it came to the heating and cooling in our home.

I was the one who was always trying to both protect the HVAC equipment and rein in the heating and cooling costs.

It was a lonely job and it ended up making me so frustrated that I just got angry. That just wouldn’t do for me. Unlike my old man, I’m not the sort who yells and threatens to solve problems within the household. Instead, I show my family the same respect I show my colleagues inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office. I find that coming to consensus when finding a solution is the best practice. This way, we’re all stakeholders in the decision process and so we’re all accountable. That way, everyone is on the same page even though there is some amount of compromise all around. But that just didn’t work at home when it came to the thermostat. That thermostat was just getting straight abused. There’s really no other way to state it. I’d find the thermostat yanked down to the 60’s when the outside temperature was 98. Or I’d come home unexpectedly to find a sliding glass door open and the air conditioning running non stop. And that’s when I really lost me cool. But I just wasn’t going to be the bad cop all the time when it came to quality heating and air of our home. So I called the HVAC company to have them install a smart thermostat. Now, the HVAC technology is the bad cop as I’ve locked everyone out of manually operating the thermostat.


mini split air conditioner