HEPA air filters were pumping good quality air

My apartment has been experiencing awful air quality as of late.

After doing thorough HVAC inspection in the beach house the results showed that the issue was my central heating & air conditioning system.

I’ve been relying on cheap air filters that weren’t doing me any good. This was causing the central heating & air conditioning system to blow out bad air quality making my apartment unlivable. The heating & air conditioning system technician who I hired for the inspection went on to say it’s better I go for HEPA brand air filters for my central heating & cooling unit. HEPA brand air filters are great and work as indoor air cleaners to improve indoor comfort. These aren’t the same as whole apartment media air cleaners, but they do deliver. So I’ve been buying the highly-priced HEPA air filters to go into my central heating & air conditioning system. There’s been extensive change in the air quality within my home ever since I began using HEPA air filters. I find this to be quite interesting and a drastic change. I feel so better when breathing, and have stopped sneezing and cough attacks while trying to rest. The central heating & air conditioning system with the HEPA brand air filters has improved air quality in my apartment now. This is so great and a better option for improving indoor comfort.

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