I am not as effective teaching online

I am a personal trainer at the health and body center in the city.

  • Since the virus I haven’t been able to go to the real gym.

All our fitness classes are now moved to online classes. My students log online, spend cash with paypal and virtually take the class with me. It is sort of terrible, not going to lie. Most of my students don’t have the fitness equipment I have so I try to reduce the amount of stuff that I use. It is also weird not being able to see each individual person too. I can’t really correct, encourage or engage with the class. The personal feeling of our group fitness class is totally done. I additionally have issues in my home a bunch. My internet connection sometimes gets shaky plus I waste time dealing with technical issues. For some reason my wife constantly runs into the living room while I teach my classes. It isn’t out of the norm for my dog to come running in or our sons to want me to make them dinner while I am teaching as well. Thankfully all my students find all the interruptions hilarious, I don’t however. I don’t come across all that professional and the class isn’t as good for them. I want to be a better trainer and actually have my students achieve their fitness goals. Sadly, as long as I am teaching virtual classes, it just won’t happen. Once I get the students back into the gym, life can go on as normal.

Cross fit