I had a whole crowd of professionals clean the HVAC duct

My father was telling myself and others how mom was constantly calling the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation to have the HVAC duct cleaned. This got myself and others thinking about how long it had been since the people I was with and I had our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C HVAC duct cleaned. I had been noticing a lot of dust lately plus the worst of it was the smell that was coming from the air vents. I hated to even have corporation come to our house because it constantly smelled like something dead in the house. My partner plus I thought the people I was with and I had a dead mouse anywhere, but after cleaning plus moving every piece of furniture the people I was with and I couldn’t find it. That’s when the people I was with and I talked about it being in the walls. Unfortunately, the smell lasted long after the smell of the dead mouse. I called the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation plus I told him what I needed done. He asked myself and others if I had talked to an exterminator. He said that it sounded like the people I was with and I may have more than mice. From the smell I described, he thought it could be odor bugs in the HVAC duct. The next afternoon, the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation sent over a team of professional HVAC duct cleaners. They cleaned plus sanitized the entire HVAC duct system. He said that when they had vacuumed all of the dirt out, they had quite a few odor bugs come out of the HVAC duct. They were able to service all of the cracks plus holes in the HVAC duct, however he still recommended the people I was with and I have the up-to-date home sprayed in case there were more bugs in the house. I couldn’t know how fresh our up-to-date home smelled once the HVAC duct was cleaned.

air purifier