I want to put an addition on, but the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning will be a problem

I personally think that my buddy and I should install another smaller Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device of some sort in the addition that we’re building in addition to that way, my buddy and I could have zone control heating in addition to cooling.

I really want to put an addition onto our house, but I know that the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system situation will cause a problem, then the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device that my buddy and I currently have in our apartment just isn’t big enough to support the apartment that my buddy and I have now plus extra square footage that will come along with the addition that my buddy and I are planning to put onto the arena! I don’t know what to do about it, but my buddy and I have a lot of people giving us ideas… One guy that I work with said that my buddy and I should just make the addition a three season room in addition to that my buddy and I shouldn’t even worry about putting an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system in there at all. I don’t like that idea one bit! My husband thinks that my buddy and I should just install a newer, larger Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device in the apartment so that it will be able to handle all of the square footage in the house, including the modern addition. I personally think that my buddy and I should install another smaller Heating in addition to Air Conditioning device of some sort in the addition that we’re building in addition to that way, my buddy and I could have zone control heating in addition to cooling. My friend and I could just turn the control units up in addition to down whenever my buddy and I are going to be in certain parts of the apartment in addition to not have to worry about it otherwise. In my opinion, my way just makes a whole lot more sense than anything else does. I’m hoping that I can get my husband to come around to my way of thinking because it’s almost time to beginning getting the apartment ready for the addition! If my buddy and I do it this year, it’s going to be in the Springtime in addition to my buddy and I are almost there.


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