Signing up with a personal trainer to get in shape for wedding

My fiance and I are getting married in six months.

I plan to be in good shape for the ceremony.

White isn’t the most flattering color to start with. I chose a white gown that is fitted to my body. I feel quite confident in the size and muscle tone of my arms, shoulders, chest and thigh area. It is only my belly that has me concerned. I have a slight soft curve of fat that I am not pleased about. I don’t want my worst feature showing up in pictures from my wedding day. I have been taking advantage of outside assistance to tone my stomach. I have found a wellness center near my house that offers 1 on 1 personal training as well as group fitness classes. I have signed up to workout with a personal trainer several days per week. I believe that having someone checking my progress from one day to the next keeps me motivated. The personal trainer doesn’t let me give less than 100% at each training session. We vary between cardio and strength training programs. I explained that I just want to get rid of some belly fat but it seems like he is training me for the decathlon in the olympics. He has me run on the treadmill, use the elliptical and rowing machine and even run stairs. Along with standard crunches, he takes me through all different types of brutal ab exercises. My trainer has me tossing a medicine ball and going through an obstacle course. I also jump rope, punch a speed bag, wrap my legs around a heavy bag and perform sit ups, lunges and squats. All of the drills are strenuous. I am in a constant state of pain. However, I already feel better about myself. I’ve seen an improvement in my belly area and I still have two months of training left. I am going to get the most out of it.
Group Physical Training Classes