The air conditioner in my mom’s house is not working

The air conditioner in my mom’s house is not working.

My poor mom doesn’t even realize that her air conditioner is not working. Well, I guess she does realize that it is warmer in her house, but she doesn’t believe me when I tell her that her air conditioner is not working. It is blowing warm air even though she has the thermostat set to seventy-two degrees. The air coming out of the HVAC vents in her house is definitely warmer than seventy-two degrees. I told her that there was something wrong with her air conditioner, but she said that it was just because it was so hot outside. It had been that hot for months and months, but her house was much cooler before. She just doesn’t want to admit that her air conditioner could be broken. I don’t understand why she doesn’t want to admit that her air conditioning is not working. She has plenty of money in her savings for emergencies like getting her air conditioner fixed. It would not even faze her financially to get her air conditioner fixed. I tried to explain that she could pull some money out of her savings to get her air conditioner fixed, but there is no point in trying to convince her to get her air conditioner fixed if she doesn’t even think that her air conditioner is broken. I don’t know what I am going to do with that lady. She is simply too stubborn to listen to me or probably anyone else. She will have to live without air conditioning if she won’t listen to me.



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