The HVAC machine in our classroom smells

I am pretty confident that the HVAC machine in our classroom is the worst HVAC machine in history, however i attend a middle school that is entirely the smallest school in the country, but the two of us only have 90 kids in the entire middle school program, and our school’s budget is genuinely small, but sure, the school is funded by the government, however since the school is so small and since academics are not great, they don’t get a lot of extra spending cash.

The HVAC units that are in each classroom might have been great when they were installed 20 years ago, however they aren’t good anymore.

I am just surprised that they only HVAC the HVAC units in the class! Most of the building is heated by an ancient boiler system, however the classrooms have an HVAC machine that looks love the a/c in a hotel room. It is a genuinely big HVAC unit, and it works as both a space oil furnace and an a/c, and at the moment, the heating function of this HVAC machine is awesome, however the cooling feature of this HVAC machine is legitimately subpar. The a/c can barely keep the room below 71 degrees, and our school isn’t even located in a genuinely moderate climate. The two of us used to complain about the HVAC machine to our mentor, however the two of us realized that she was just as agitated as us. Almost every classroom in the school has these exhausting HVAC units, and they can’t afford to upgrade the HVAC units. I wish that I could just transport to a weird school.

electric furnace