The only thing that I want this year is a fireplace

I am a person who is very easy to please most of the time.

Just ask my husband.

I think that deep down, he knows that he got very lucky when he married me. He never has to take Me out to fancy restaurants or on fancy vacations or two fancy spa days. I don’t care about anything like that at all. I also don’t spend a ton of money on designer clothes or shoes or handbags. I just don’t care about things like that for the most part. I am a very practical person. I’m pretty sure that’s why whenever I do ask for something, my husband really always tries to get it for me. That’s how I know for a fact that this year for my birthday, he is going to have a wood burning fireplace installed for me in our house. I know that that seems like a really extravagant gift, but a wood burning fireplace is something that I have always wanted. When we first moved into our house eight years ago,my husband knew that I wanted a fireplace then and the house did not have one. He promised me way back then that he would get me a fireplace eventually, and I know that he has been thinking about it. When I saw a bill from our local HVAC company, that’s when I knew that he had started the fireplace project. I know that he probably wants it to be a surprise for me so I am not going to say anything about it. However, I am really excited about the whole idea of getting the wood burning fireplace put into the house at last! I can’t wait.


air conditioning