When I skipped out on the gas furnace tune-up, our system experienced problems

I actually made the huge mistake of not getting our gas furnace tuned up this past fall season.

I was entirely hoping that it wouldn’t have any problems, however of course it started acting up.

At first, it went to full heating mode in addition to I couldn’t shut it off via the control unit! I finally had to use the emergency shut off to turn it off, in addition to then I couldn’t get the gas furnace to turn back on after that. Naturally, it was cold outside in addition to I had to hurry in addition to set up portable furnaces around the home because I didn’t want anybody to freeze. It’s also a superb thing that I have a fireplace because I was able to get the fireplace going in no time which helped to keep the main floor relatively warm. When I had the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning professional come out, he mentioned how I did a pretty superb job about keeping up a backup furnace at home. He said the fireplace was superb to have in addition to those portable furnaces were set up strategically. When he ran tests on everything carefully, he determined that the control unit was the cause of the problem. He said that the control unit wasn’t reading the temperatures correctly. When he replaced the control unit he was able to get the gas furnace fired right up. He also reminded me to be sure not to skip the tune-up for the gas furnace next winter, in addition to that I should make sure to have it done every single year. I told him after this experience, I wouldn’t miss out on essential maintenance again.


electric heating