You cannot have ductwork on the floor in a barbershop

I made a giant mistake when I decided to open our own barber shop.

I have been laboring for a chain barber shop for more than 2 years and I finally saved up enough to get our own locale.

I procured this nice little space to lease in the strip mall. The rent was pretty wonderful and the location wasn’t exhausting so I jumped on the lease and started buying everything I would need. It took a few weeks but I got everything all set up and that has when I observed a giant problem. My heating and cooling vents are on the floor. I do not think how I did not notice this earlier. Heating and cooling vents on the floor are a giant problem when you are tearing hair. You do not want hair falling into the duct work and getting blown all over the shop, of course, it was too late to cancel the lease. Instead, I ended up having to pay a heating and cooling company to come out and transport the ductwork from under the floor to the ceiling area. This wasn’t something I was planning on paying for so now I am easily behind where I thought I would be at this time, but plus, I could not open up the shop as scheduled either. However, everything’s all set up now and I think I am finally ready to beginning making money. This is absolutely a reading experience. It’s a mistake I won’t make again. Of course, I idea on being in this little shop for a long time now. So I think it’s a mistake I won’t have to worry about for a while.
Central heating