Dirty air conditioner

The central air conditioner installed in my house went completely neglected for many years.

As long as it continued to provide cool air, I ignored it.

It never occurred to me to worry about filter changes or schedule professional maintenance. I didn’t realize that regular upkeep was necessary. Like any type of appliance that operates on a regular basis, cooling equipment suffers the effects of wear and tear. Debris can accumulate within the system and hinder performance. Unfortunately, I waited until the air conditioner failed completely. I should have expected it. For several months before the malfunction, the cooling system was putting out less air and making some odd noises. The air flowing from the vents had an unpleasant odor and there was an increase in the amount of dust floating around. My monthly electric bills had risen steadily. I paid no attention. When the air conditioner refused to start up, it took me several days to get around to calling for repair. Since the outside temperature was in the high eighties with excess humidity, the house quickly became overheated, sticky and terribly uncomfortable. I had trouble sleeping at night and was sweaty throughout the day. I finally scheduled an appointment with a licensed HVAC professional. The technician took the cooling unit apart and showed me the inner workings. I was really embarrassed by the growth of mold and algae and buildup of dust, lint and other contaminants. The filter was entirely clogged and completely disgusting. The technician told me that the air conditioner was definitely polluting my indoor air quality and presenting a health hazard.



a/c repair