I lost some coins and I’m not happy about it

I’m not going to bore you with a large amount of crypto talk, however if you try to scalp like I have been doing you genuinely can feel how stressful it is.

For instance, Last week I had 93,000 Dogecoins and I made an attempt to scalp and make more coins although I ended up losing a huge amount and now I am down to 77,500 coins just like that.

That means if it hits a dollar a coin I have lost over ten grand trying to scalp them. My local corporation friend at the local supplier near my residence kept telling me to just hold and don’t try to scalp, although I was genuinely thinking that I was better than that and ended up losing a large portion of my coins. I’m not too ecstatic about that because I was planning on investing in radiant floor heating to supplement my central Heating & A/C system, however now it looks like it is going to have to wait. I need to just lock these coins away in a frigid wallet until it is time to get my cash back out or I could end up losing more down the road. My heating and cooling rep bought 850,000 coins of Doge during the past year and is still holding them. If it hits a dollar a coin he would have almost a million bucks. The sad thing is, last year I had almost the same amount as he did, however I sold them exactly like a fool. I really could have bought one of the best central heating and cooling machines out there now if I hadn’t sold them so suddenly. I suppose I have a pretty good amount to learn.


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