My house is full of humidifiers

My house is full of humidifiers.

I absolutely love humidifiers, but it is getting out of hand.

I don’t buy all of my humidifiers new. I have found some at yard sales and second hand stores, but I simply have way too many. I like to have a humidifier in each room of my house, so I prefer little humidifiers. I do have a few large humidifiers that I simply never use, and those will be the first to go. On top of having several large humidifiers, I also have many smaller ones that I don’t use anymore because they are older models to the ones that I actually use on a regular basis. The older humidifiers still work, so I don’t want to just throw them away. I am thinking about donating the humidifiers so that people who really need them can get them without having to pay for them. I love humidifiers, and I know what a difference they have made in my overall health, and I want other people to have that same experience as I have had. Humidifiers literally changed my health. I used to have the worst bloody noses at night. I also almost always had a runny nose. I also suffered from dry skin. All of those issues were solved almost overnight when I first started using humidifiers in my home. My health has only improved since using humidifiers, and I can’t say enough about how important humidifiers are. I have too many, and it is time to share some of the goodness that humidifiers can bring with others.

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