Someone tossed out an a/c system

When I went to take out my trash the other day I noticed that my neighbor had thrown something important and bulky in his trash can.

I didn’t want to go and dig through his trash for my curiosity, but it certainly got the best of me.

I could not tell for sure, but it looked like it might have been an air conditioner, but that made me wonder why in the world would somebody throw away a perfectly good air conditioner unless it was one that didn’t work. This was my immediate assumption when I saw that it was an air conditioner in the trash! Yes I legitimately got close to the trash can to have better luck looking at it, but I felt weird doing it. I didn’t want my neighbor to know that I was weird, or that I was wanting to go through his trash, however I just had to know what this was and why someone would throw away an air conditioner. From what I could get from it, it looked like it was a window AC system. It was a nice one too, one of the ones that would be more luxurious at a local heating and AC business. I attempted to get an even closer look, however this turned out to be a mistake because my neighbor saw me this time. He saw that I was staring at his air conditioner in the trash and he told me that I could have it. He said it still works but that he just had no use for it. I was shocked when he told me that he was willing to give me an entire air conditioner for free. I must have looked kind of creepy when I was doing all this because I had been hiding behind some bushes, but then I came out and acted normal and told him that I honestly appreciated him giving me the AC system for free. Then I took it out of his trash can and ran out of there like a ridiculous person! When I took it inside and inspected it, he was right, it was in perfect condition. I just got myself a free AC system!

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