Sometimes it’s hard to experience silence and peace around these parts

I managed to survive the assault of dressed up crazies the past weekend with our Spanish version of Mardi Gras.

This town is well known by all the people for being the hub of Carnaval so it was extremely packed.

Tomorrow is the final day of the celebration with a good sized bonfire on the beach. Then all of us are back to normal for the time being. It will become very busy again in May but that gives me a small amount of peace at least. The busiest weeks are July and September which will honestly find me in another town that is much quieter. I would adore a small chalet with a portable cooling machine and my yoga mat. That’s all I need for the most part. I certainly plan on practicing guitar and drums this warm season a lot so I can easily kill it when we perform out in the street in these parts. I would also adore a HEPA filter in our cooling machine in my mountain chalet when I escape this warm season. I adore HEPA filters because they take out all of the dust from the air and I have way less pollen irritations. I switched to Bitcoin the other day from Ethereum, out of fear, and it ended up costing me a good $5000. I basically paid for my impatience, let that be a powerful lesson. I need to have some patience this week and clean our HVAC vents and air duct in the central AC machine because there is a bunch of dust accumulating on the surfaces of the furniture in my residence. I guess this is a dusty street so a reasonable amount of it comes into the residence.

a/c representative