Going to the movies these days

I’m not one who really enjoys going to the movies these days. I used to when I was young, but that was when I actually enjoyed the movies that came out. Today, movies are awful if you want my honest opinion. However, I do enjoy going to the movies for one reason. The theater that’s here has the best heating and air conditioning system! In the dead heat of the Summer especially I really enjoy going to the movies. Sure I will sit through a stupid modern film, but at the same time I look at it as if I am paying to enjoy the quality air conditioning. The same in the Winter months if it’s really cold outside. I will go and sit in the theater and enjoy the quality heating. It’s not that I don’t have quality heating and air conditioning in my house, but the movie theater has a commercial heating and air conditioning system that is way more powerful than anything a residential heating and air conditioning system can put out. I think it’s a fair trade off. Pay 12 bucks to go and have a horrible movie in front of me to just enjoy the best quality heating and air conditioning in town. I’m all good with that! Back in the day movie theaters had central heating and air conditioning, but nothing like the commercial heating and air conditioning systems of today. Commercial heating and cooling is the way to get the best air quality if you want my honest opinion.


Heating industry