I don’t want to have anything to do with pumpkin spice

This year I just have to make sure that we get the furnace maintained and serviced before the weather starts cooling down too much

I just hate pumpkin spice and I don’t want to have a single thing to do with it if you want to know the truth. Every year whenever the weather starts cooling down, I start to dread the fact that pumpkin spice everything is going to start coming out soon. Everywhere from the grocery store to the candle store to the coffee shop has pumpkin spice on the brain and it drives me absolutely crazy. I know that a lot of people must really love pumpkin spice, but I am just not one of those people. I think that pumpkin spice is just terrible and I wish that it wasn’t even a thing at all. I really wish that it wouldn’t take over everywhere because it’s just annoying to me. I love it whenever the weather starts cooling off but I hate whenever pumpkin spice starts to take over the world. Fall is actually my favorite time of the year and I love using the firepit and the fireplace in the house. I think that fall is really the best weather and the most wonderful time of the year. This year I just have to make sure that we get the furnace maintained and serviced before the weather starts cooling down too much. The simple fact that pumpkin spice is out there on the market everywhere right now is a good reminder for me that I need to call the HVAC company to set up an appointment to get the furnace ready to go for this winter. It’s going to be here before we know it. At least the pumpkin spice will be gone when winter comes and we can deal with peppermint instead!

electric heat pump