I wasn't going to say no to the offer

My wife and I cleaned out the garage last weekend. We had a lot of junk that we didn’t want any more, so we decided to have a garage sale the following weekend. There were a ton of items in the garage sale. I had an old treadmill and a small boxing stand. I had some free weights and a couple of hand weights as well. We had some old camping equipment and a gas grill that was still in pretty good shape. We had some old sports equipment and toys from the kids. We also put a used air conditioner in the garage sale. The air conditioner used to be in our garage, but I bought a ductless air conditioner several years ago and I put the window AC unit in the garage. I thought I would eventually use it, but the air conditioner has been sitting there for years. I plugged it in and it worked so I put it in the garage sale with a price tag of $75. We had a sale on Saturday and a lot of people looked at the old air conditioner. One person asked if I would take 60 bucks. I was not going to take anything less than $75 for the air conditioner until sunday. Unfortunately, the best offer I got for the air conditioner on Sunday was 50 bucks. I did not want to take the air conditioner back into the garage, so I ended up taking the $50 deal. I definitely should have accepted the previous day’s offer. I would have made 10 more dollars on the sale of the old AC unit.



hvac installation