I Enjoy the Clean Air that Comes with our Heating and Cooling Replacement

Summertime comes with a mixed bag of feelings.

On the one hand, I’m stoked for the kids as they are out of college plus enjoying their summer break.

I appreciate watching them get into all the outdoor stuff that I too enjoyed when I was their age. But I’m also not super ecstatic with how much heat plus humidity we have to deal with in this region either. That’s regularly been something that I’ve had to find a middle ground on since becoming a homeowner. For one, you just don’t want to lean into all that HVAC too much. That’s a for sure ticket to spending way too much money on central a/c. At the same time, there really isn’t much point in having state of the art residential heating and AC while not availing oneself of it. So I do our best to simply walk the line on that part. Keeping the temperature control at an adequate setting plus prepping the condo a bit are really all it takes. But this summer, I’ve enjoyed a recent HVAC system replacement when it comes to the central a/c. After saving up for this replacement, we are now enjoying the best air quality one can find. That’s due to the fact that we have a whole condo air purification proposal installed inside the heating and air conditioning unit. This thing honestly destroys all the airborne contaminants that otherwise pollute our indoor air, and the difference in the air is just remarkable. I can’t comprehend how wonderful the air now smells plus just how much cleaner the air is. That sure helps when you have your condo all sealed up to help improve the efficiency of your good old HVAC equipment.


New heating