I think that our neighbors are jealous of us

We also decided that we were going to put in a new smart thermostat system and a whole home air purification system at the same time

I have a weird and creepy feeling that our neighbors are trying to do everything around their house the same way that we do it. They have been doing things like this ever since we first moved in a few months ago, and it is starting to really creep me out. When we first moved here, I put a big wreath on the door and two days later, they put up a big wreath on the door just like mine. I decided to just mark that up as a coincidence, but then when they went out and bought a car just like ours, I thought that was a little bit strange. Then when we started working on our landscaping, they started doing the landscaping just like ours too and that really started to get on my nerves. Now, they are going even beyond that because we are in the middle of doing a renovation in the house with all of our heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. We found out that we had to redo some of the ductwork and so we decided to just go ahead and redo everything at the same time. We also decided that we were going to put in a new smart thermostat system and a whole home air purification system at the same time. The local HVAC company has been here for the past week. The other day, I saw our neighbors outside talking to them in our driveway. Later on, the HVAC technician told me that they asked what we were having done in our house and then they said that they were going to make an appointment with him to do the same thing at their house! This whole thing is so weird.



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