My girlfriend wants to come and move in with me

My girlfriend says that she wants to come and move in with me soon.

However, I can’t tell if it’s because she really loves me, or if it’s because she just wants my new heating and cooling system that I recently had installed in my house.

See, she has been having all kinds of problems with the heating and cooling system at her own house and I know that she is super frustrated with everything that keeps going wrong with the HVAC system at her place. Over the past couple of years, she has told me numerous times about the issues that she was having at her house with the heating and cooling system. She had all kinds of problems with the central air conditioning system during the summer last year and I think that was finally the last straw for her. When she told me that she had to pay so much money to get the central air conditioning fixed in her house again, that’s when she also told me that she was ready to come in and move in with me at last. I know that it was probably a little bit of the fact that she was sick of the problems that she was having that made her decide to come and live with me. I don’t really care all that much why she finally decided to do it, but I’m really glad that she did. As soon as she gets the HVAC system fixed for the last time in her house, she’s going to pack everything up and move in with me.


New HVAC equipment